
Banoffee Pie

Jan 14 100

This was the birthday bake of request from my youngest, Fin, just recently.

Posted in Banana, Caramel, Children, Kids, Pie, Treats | 20 Comments

Chocolate Oreo Pears

Bonfire 13 536

Not so much a recipe, more a gathering together of things!

(No panic, there’s a recipe coming tomorrow too)

These pears decided not to let apples have all the fun this Bonfire night and jumped onto sticks too!  Of course if you’re after a traditional caramel toffee apple recipe then I can help with that too – just see the recipe here.

Posted in Bonfire Night, Children, Chocolate, Treats | 3 Comments

Eccles Cakes

Eccles Cakes 024

These are one of the first things I ever remember baking – they’re super easy for the kids to do and blooming lovely to eat of course too!

Simple ingredients, quickly whipped up into fabulous treats, what more could you want?

Posted in Children, Pastry, Treats | 14 Comments

The One for the Kids to Make

Always good to have a quick rainy afternoon activity so here’s my top 3 recipes for the kids to have a crack at!

(Click on the title to take you to the recipe)

Chocolate Chip Cookies – who’d say no to one of these?

Posted in Children, Kids, Pizza, Ruth's Chat, Treats | Leave a comment

Flapjack Bars

Flapjack 007 (Copy)

I know I’ve done flapjack before but this one is a bit different, its a thick buttery fudgy type bar flapjack, like you might pick up when you’re out and about.  Great big slabs of flapjack with a good old layer of chocolate on the top.

Posted in Biscuit, Biscuits, Children, Chocolate, Kids, Treats | 30 Comments

Giant Cupcake Cookie Dough Bowl!

jan projects 097 (Copy)

Who wants to dive in head first?

You don’t just have to bake cakes in the your Giant Cupcake Tin – time to get them out from languishing in the back of the cupboard and put them to some inventive uses.

Posted in Biscuit, Biscuits, Children, Chocolate, Treats | 17 Comments

Easiest Celebration Cake Ever!


April 2 162

This has got to be the quickest easiest celebration cake I’ve ever made.  You can put it together in next to no time and makes a brilliant change from cake!

You will need:

Rice Krispie Treats Cakes  (click on the link for the quantities)

Depending on how many tiers of ‘cake’ you want, what size your tins are and how big or small you want to go, make up your cakes following the method here using the relevant quantities for your tin.  

Posted in Children, Decorating, Kids, Marshmallow, Treats | 1 Comment

Marshmallow Sweetie Flowers


April 2 017

Lots of fun, bright and breezy and no complicated bits and pieces required.  The only trouble is they can get eaten up faster than you can make them!

They can be done with all sorts of sweeties – I’ve used Smarties here, I ate the skittles before I had chance to use them 😉

You will need:




Easy peasy….

Posted in Children, Kids, Marshmallow, Treats | 5 Comments

Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treats

April 2 027

Well once again it’s not quite baking but they are sweet treats, anyone would think my oven is broken! (Don’t worry it isn’t)

The boys love them, hey I love them too – there’s all sorts you can do with them.  

Posted in Children, Kids, Marshmallow, Treats | 19 Comments

Magic Microwave Meringues

April 2 048

Just a bit of fun with the children – these meringues will not win any prizes in the taste stakes but rate highly in amazement factor!  The boys have loved doing these this holiday, they’re so quick and easy.  I never knew you could do such a thing until a chance conversation with the lovely ladies at Baking Hot Celebrations (and if you’re not sure who I’m talking about head on over and have a peek).

Posted in Children, Kids, Meringue, Treats | 20 Comments