Glaze Icing for Flooding and Decorating
Just recently I’ve been using glaze icing to decorate and flood biscuits instead of the usual royal icing, not only do I find it a million times easier to work with, it gives you great results and tastes fab too!
Biscuits for Decorating – Non Spreading, No Chilling Required!
This is a great biscuit recipe, one that doesn’t need chilling and barely spreads.
Perfect to make biscuits for decorating!
220g butter, softened
200g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 egg, large
425g plain flour
Makes approx 30 biscuits.
Day 4 – Gingerbread Sleighs & Giant Men!
Two different projects for Day 4 of The Pink Whisk 12 Days of Christmas – Giant Gingerbread Men and Sleigh’s too – all using a fab Gingerbread Dough
Time to get cracking!
Giant Gingerbread Man
So how about a Giant Gingerbread Man? These seem to be everywhere this Christmas and with a price tag of £5-6.00 I thought for Day 4 of The Pink Whisk Christmas we’d make our own!
Gingerbread Sleighs
A Gingerbread Sleigh – filled with a Chocolate Father Christmas and Snowballs!
My plan was to make these for the boys for Christmas, but having made only 2 and there being 3 of them these are off to the school Christmas fair instead!
Gingerbread dough is always lots of fun – whether you want to make biscuits, men or even a Gingerbread house then a good dough recipe is the place to start. The resting of the dough and chilling is an important step for the very best in gingery spiced flavoured biscuits so try not to miss it out if you can.
Day 2 – Elf Cookie Lollies
Day 2 of The Pink Whisk 12 Days of Christmas and this year, Father Christmas is being joined by some little helpers – Elf Cookie Lollies!
You will need:
1 x batch of Vanilla Sugar Cookie Dough recipe here rolled out to a depth of 4-5mm between 2 sheets of baking paper and chilled until firm.
Day 1 – Christmas Cake Decorating
Hurrah! Today is the 1st December so it can mean only one thing – the start of The Pink Whisk 12 Days of Christmas. If you weren’t here last year then it’s one Christmas recipe each day for the first 12 days of December (then I collapse in a heap).
Santa, Rudolph and Cheeky Elf Cake
A cute character Christmas cake which everyone will love
(and it’s simpler than you might think!)
You will need:
1 x 8″ Christmas Cake, marzipanned and iced See here for the how to
10″ Cake card
Ribbon for trimming around the base of the cake
Sugarpaste; white, flesh, red, green, brown and dark brown.
How to Marzipan & Ice your Christmas Cake
Important steps before you decorate your Christmas Cake! There’s lots of different ways to do it, but here’s how I do….
For an 8″ cake you will need: