Bacon Gruyere & Tomato Tartlets
Such a perfect little bite to eat – these little bites of loveliness are just right whether they’re a snack for hungry hoards after school or gracing the table at an afternoon tea.
Rough Puff Pastry – Here’s How
Have you ever made your own Rough Puff Pastry? Maybe last nights#GBBO inspired you? In which case my video with Bake with Stork will help you on your way. It’s much easier than you might think and will give you a fab fab puff and rise.
GEFU Exact Rolling Pin – Review
So tell me what sort of rolling pin you use? I shall confess to having a love hate relationship with rolling pins, I’ve found they’re a baker specific item and we all have a favourite, even if we don’t realise.
For me they can’t have rotating ends otherwise I roll out like a woman deranged, I like a wooden one but it has to be glazed, I’m not keen on pins with turned ends as they mark the pastry, and pins with tapered ends – supposedly to roll a perfect circle, well you need 100 different rolling out techniques!
4 – Crispy Bacon and Tomato Scrolls
Time to break up this sweet sweet fest with something for the savoury lovers! These crispy bacon and tomato scrolls are perfect for nibbling on whilst you put the finishing touches to the Christmas tree, wrap the presents or indeed sharing with guests.
Mediterranean Veg Tart & Apple Custard Tart
Here are my 2 #GBBO pastry week inspired recipes for Bake with Stork’s Baking Academy – one savoury and one sweet – hopefully something for everyone!
If the sunshine seems to have disappeared wherever you are then a slice of this means you can taste it instead!
Chorizo and New Potato Tarts
Something a little bit summery for you on the blog today, Chorizo & New Potato tarts. Choose a good tasty Chorizo for these tarts and you’re onto a sure fire winner!
1 x qty Savoury shortcrust pastry, recipe here
1 x red onion, diced
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped or grated.
Day 8 – Ecclefechan
Have you ever tried these? They are really delicious and a nice alternative to Mince Pies too. I have added Christmas spices to mine and a zesty orange pastry which isn’t the traditional way so if you want them authentic simply leave those out.
Day 7 – Gala Pork Pie
Would you like one of these on your buffet table? They’ve gone down a storm here and I bet they will with you too!
Hot water crust pastry
340g plain flour
1 tsp salt
150ml water
115g lard
500g minced pork (the best quality you can find)
125g streaky smoked bacon, diced
200g sausagemeat
1 tbsp fresh sage, finely chopped
1 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
Salt and pepper
1 tsp dried thyme
1 small onion, finely diced
1 egg
6 eggs, large (hard boiled)
1 egg beaten for egg wash
250ml chicken stock
2 sheets of gelatine
Makes: 1 x 2lb loaf tin pie
Day 6 – Chocolate and Mulled Wine Tart
An extremely rich mulled wine and chocolate tart – very decadent and something a little bit different to serve this Christmas. I know isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it’s definitely mine!
100g butter, softened
75g caster sugar
1 egg, large
300g plain flour
1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp ground cloves
6 eggs, large
225g caster sugar
350ml mulled wine
100ml double cream
3 tbsps cocoa powder
Makes: 1 x 9” tart
Day 5 – Mincemeat Baklava
A new twist on a Mince Pie – Mincemeat Baklava! No sorry, I’m not making my own Filo, it’s Christmas time for goodness sake and I’m just a little bit busy. Ready made Filo is what it’s all about!
2 x pkts Filo Pastry
1 x jar of Mincemeat
175g melted butter
200ml water
200g caster sugar
80ml honey
2 cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
5 whole cloves
Makes: 1 x 8” square tray of Bakalava