Ruth’s Chat
Exciting Times for The Pink Whisk
First up I’m sorry I’ve not been about quite so much -trying to manage everything (and the boys as well) has been keeping me working like the clappers!
Aaaarggghhhh! I’m Having One of Those Weeks…
You know the ones, when nothing goes quite the way it should. More importantly for you lot my ability to bake has flown clean out the window.
It happens.
Recipes you’ve baked faultlessly time and time again suddenly let you down, you leave out the sugar by accident, cakes sink, biscuits stick to the tray rendering them useless once they’ve been chiselled off with a palette knife.
Jam Jamboree – Pimp My Jam
This week it’s the JamJamboree, a celebration of all things fruity and jammy that comes in a jar!
Jam is experiencing something of a revival thanks to JamJamboree founder Clippy McKenna, who is the Queen of pimped up jam. Checkout the recipes for her Tutti Frutti, Raspberry Ripple and Toffee Apple jams, it’s clear that jam-making isn’t just enjoyed by the WI, but is funky and a lot of fun!
Some Lovely Things Too….
Visiting Rwanda and sharing my story with you has been an unbelievable experience. I have told you the key points, the things that have affected me most and the parts that I believed everyone should know.
I have come away, having learnt so much more.
Projects to Make a Difference
I’ve also seen first hand how Save the Children projects are already helping to turn things around.
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from the trip it’s that the people of Rwanda want to change things, they just need to be shown how.
The Boy Who Broke My Heart
I have held back from sharing this story for a couple of days, I haven’t been ready to tell it until now.
Meet Nsengiyumva he is 3 years old.
When I arrived on the children’s ward at the Butaro District Hospital it was medicine time for Nsengiyumva, he didn’t want to have it, he was refusing to swallow.
The Hidden Hunger
Help us create a digital storm
on Wednesday 15th February 2012
Thanks to the help of tireless supporters, 2011 saw Save the Children make breakthroughs that will change the lives of millions of children.
This year the focus is on tackling the hidden crisis of global childhood malnutrition and hunger.