2010 has been a whirlwind of a year and 2011 looks set to be just as good!
My deepest thanks goes to all you Pink Whiskers who have made the past six months an unbeatable experience, as we start 2011 there are already over 3,000 of you who read and enjoy the blog (well I’m presuming you’re enjoying it otherwise I guess you wouldn’t keep coming back) – that’s a pretty good gang of bakers by any standards!
As soon as I get rid of this flu bug I’ll be back to baking and blogging, at the moment in the throes of a body which will not regulate it’s own temperature and joints which have forgotten how to work I can’t stand up in the kitchen long enough to come up with anything sensible let alone blog it so forgive me for the late start in January. Whilst post-Christmas minds turn to thoughts of dieting maybe a baking break is in order anyway?
So to look forward to 2011 I am going to write my own baking book, even if no-one wants to print it I will write it anyway! I am hoping to finalise a deal to publish a book but more along cake decorating lines. I have some projects lined up with a couple of big name brands and I hope to be able to tell you more about these as they are signed and sealed. Of course the blog will continue until I run out of ideas – nope can’t see that ever happening!
So here’s to all the Pink Whiskers – may 2011 bring you everything you ever dared to dream of.
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire
Finalist on BBC2 The Great British Bake Off 2010

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