On the eighth day of Christmas The Pink Whisk sent to me…..Baileys Pastry Mince Pies – oh yes indeed!
I didn’t think you could beat mince pies made with zesty pastry (recipe here) turns out you can – with Baileys Pastry! Oh why didn’t I think of you before!
Makes 12 Mince Pies
Baileys Pastry
225g plain flour
100g butter
25g caster sugar
90-100ml Baileys
1 x jar of Mincemeat.
You know by now I make pastry in the food processor – it’s a toss up between it getting made quicker and in washing up the processor bow (*cough* making room in the dishwasher). If you like making by hand then be my guest!
Add the flour to the bowl of the processor. Add the butter and pulse until the butter is rubbed in and the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Add in the caster sugar and pulse to mix.
Now measure out the Baileys – its Christmas after all so a quick tipple for you wouldn’t go amiss!
If you don’t want to give up all your Baileys to the pies you could mix it half and half with water (but not for drinking obviously – that’s sacrilege)
With the processor running start to add the Baileys through the chute until the pastry comes together. The pastry should be a lovely toffee colour and will smell divine!
Gather together the pastry and knead lightly into a ball.
Wrap in clingfilm and chill in the fridge for half an hour.
Once the pastry has rested preheat the oven to 180c (fan)/200c/Gas Mark 5.
Grease the recesses of a shallow bun tin.
Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface, fairly thinly, resisting the urge to munch a piece as you go.
Using a round cutter cut out enough circles to line the bases of the pies. Set onto the tin and press down gently to shape.
Fill each pie with mincemeat.
Re-roll the pastry trimmings if necessary and cut out lids for the mince pies using a slightly smaller round cutter.
With a wet finger dampen the edge of the base pieces of pastry and place the tops in position.
Gently seal together the edges using your fingers.
For a nifty crimped edge take a cutlery spoon and using the wrong end press it across ways towards you fingers as shown in the picture. Repeat all the way around the top of the pie.
Sometimes when I need to use both hands and take a photo I have to rope in my husband – he’s useless with a camera, drives me to distraction and everything takes an age – this is what he drives me too – I’m not adding the photo to the post, you’ll see why (don’t worry it’s not rude), click on the link. He was being an idiot and I pulled this face at him!
Make a steam hole in the top of each pie and glaze with egg wash (again lazy Ruth is using the spray).
Bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes until golden and fully cooked.
Allow to cool in the tray for ten minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
You could just eat them warm – dust with icing sugar (it’s compulsory to breathe it in and nearly choke). The only thing that’s going to make these any better is a good dollop ofBaileys Cream!
Baileys Mince Pies
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire

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