Happy New Year Pink Whiskers! Hope you all had a lovely break? I’ve certainly enjoyed spending time with my boys and is why I’ve not been back until now!
Whilst lots of you are cutting out the excess and having a ‘be good’ January you don’t really need me tempting you with treats and things you’re going to want to bake now do you?
In our house the only one on the D-word is the cat (she’s not impressed) and whilst I’m definitely on a January go slow I do miss chatting with you lot so instead of a recipe I’ll show you round my kitchen, come for the tour, I love a good nosy….
Unfortunately that’s not my kitchen, it’s one on the Fired Earth website, in reality…
it makes me wince seeing it so big!
This pic is taken stood in the dining room, yes of course I tidied up before you lot came round and no I’m not going to show you the inside of the cupboards or the fridge!
On closer inspection…
These wires aren’t live, at least I don’t think they are. If you call round for a brew don’t touch them just in case.
This is actual sum of working and baking space, shared with the tea, coffee, sugar and kettle – brew essentials. Excuse the onions they’re for tea, sausage and onion casserole if you were wondering. Pink kettle = happy brews.
Here is the extractor fan, it doesn’t work (which is why it’s buried under all that stuff) but provides the perfect place for receipts and other important things. To get in this cupboard you have to…. move the radio (which I don’t listen to, I like it quiet), move the loaf tin and the stock cube container (which should actually be in the cupboard). The loaf tin is a whole ‘nother story of my baking history and one I’ll share with you another time. It’s also compulsory to knock off all the receipts and stuff unless you only open the cupboard an inch and then blindly feel around with your hand for the right thing. You could ask why I keep the salt in there?
Two timers, only one that has batteries that work. The other was my ‘Bake Off’ timer snaffled home with me and is kept there for posterity (and to knock off with the receipts).
Everyone knows that the top of cupboard units are just cupboards with the doors missing right?
You can never have enough….
cupcake cases
miscellaneous ingredients that won’t fit in the cupboards, you have to stand on a stool to get them down.
Four doors into a 3 metre square doesn’t leave much left to actually put the kitchen.
One trick door to the hallway, it doesn’t open that’s the trick, one pantry door, okay it’s a piece of MDF not really a door. The door is upstairs in the little boys room waiting patiently (if I said 12 months then that’s being generous) to be fitted.
Trick door and Dining room door have no handles, they could be in the little boys room too, or they could be in the loft….
Behind the big white door (it’s no bigger than the others it just makes it sound more interesting) is the garage, domain of Mr C but I have a plan!
This Pink Whisk dreams of extending little piddly brown annoying kitchen into the garage resulting in a super duper kitchen and ousting said husband from his man space. I reckon on ten years if the doors tale might be anything to go by.
You can’t see the fourth door, I’m stood in it.
A view out to the garden, no you can’t see out clearly the window is shot. Instead to improve the view there’s a string of strawberries, bunting and two little bird houses, for any passing birdies of course, a giant spatula, teapot and cosy, scales, eggs, a multitude of scissors for playing find the scissors that actually cut.
Ah the utensils, a girl can never have enough silicone spatulas. The cutlery is in a plant pot because the previous owner of my kitchen decided it would be a good idea not to have any drawers. Plenty of jugs, not that you could use them of course.
I have lovely brown swirly lino – that doesn’t quite meet at the edges, flowery 80’s (that’s probably optimistic) wallpaper half of which I have painted over with blackboard paint – this forms my control centre, I love standing on the stool and planning on it. One of these days I’ll break my neck.
One strip light – the cover is leaning up against the trick hall door, it’s a dodgy one and won’t turn on just with the flick of the switch, oh no this is a special one requiring a prod with a wooden spatula to illuminate the darkness (refer to multitude of utensils above). A reason why it’s good to have your utensils close at hand and not in unnecessary, time zapping drawers.
A view back the other way, a nifty butchers block – idea was that it was a good length of worksurface, but with nowhere to put the casserole dishes it’s now too heavy to actually maneouvre anywhere.
Stand mixer – moves over into tea/coffee/kettle space to be put into action. Spot the extra tea pot and myriad of stand mixer attachments.
I think we have three actual plug sockets so it’s a labyrinth of temporary *cough* extensions, don’t trip over the wires.
Here’s the stool – it waits on standby in the dining room – to get things off the tops of the cupboard, turn on the light, write on the blackboard and for the shortest of boys to stand on to interfere help with the baking.
So there you have it The Pink Whisk kitchen in a nutshell, or the size of a nutshell if you prefer. Now I’ve written this it seems a veritable health and safety hazard (and I’m feeling embarrassed) but it’s the kitchen I bake in and it works (sort of), a family kitchen and where I spend the majority of my day. Sorry if I’ve shattered your illusions.
One day this Pink Whisk will have a beautiful kitchen to be proud of with space to drink tea and chat but most likely not until I see my 50’s!
Oh, and if you’re not on a ‘no baking’ rule there’s lots of recipes in the archives to tempt you!
Ruth xx
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire

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