I know that is what we all deserve.
and so I am proud to announce that I am supporting Save the Children in the second part of their No Child Born to Die campaign which aims to stop the millions of childhood deaths which occur from easily preventable diseases throughout the world. The focus is on the ‘hidden hunger crisis’ – tackling childhood malnutrition which is responsible for a third of deaths in children under the age of five.
This Saturday I will be travelling to Rwanda with Jay Rayner, the Observer’s restaurant reviewer and the food presenter for the One Show, and a team to visit Save the Children projects on a week long trip. We’ll be meeting Rwandan families and will see first-hand the effects and treatment of malnutrition, the hidden hunger.
A Life Free From Hunger launches globally on Wednesday 15th February. Although I’ll be in Rwanda we’ll be linking live to the campaign’s UK launch and making as much noise about it via any means possible.
We’re calling on world leaders to put an end to this problem – and we’re asking David Cameron to name a day to tackle hunger and hold a World Food Summit while world leaders are in London for the Olympics
My role is to spread the word, raise awareness for the campaign and help garner your support – no child is born to die because they can’t get the food they need.
In reality I am extremely worried about making the trip, about what I will see and most of all about making that all important difference.
I sit at home in my cosy little existence baking up treats and recipes for my boys (and you) without having to worry about them suffering from malnutrition and all that comes with it.
I’m lucky that I know they need a good balanced diet to thrive, that they need to get their five a day (even if I have to sneak it into them) and that I can stretch our food budget to go that bit further in times of frugality. But, what if I didn’t have enough money to buy our basic foods, if I didn’t know how to best feed growing boys or I didn’t have access to nutritionally good stuff…what then?
Would they still have been happy and healthy enough to play out in the snow this weekend…?
Well I’m about to find out. I’m going to try my hardest to make a difference and I hope you’re all with me. I’m under no illusions it’ll be harrowing at times but I’m hoping to bring you lots of positive stuff too.
There’ll be lots that you can do to support the campaign and spread the word and I’ll let you know just what and when.
In the meantime, if you’d like to help by being my ‘men on the ground’ so to speak please drop me an email to ruth@thepinkwhisk.co.uk or leave me a comment – we’d really appreciate your support and ideas.
Of course the recipes won’t stop coming, that’s why you’re here in the first place. I have some Rwandan inspired ones up my sleeve for you. Whilst I’m away I’ll be reporting back most evenings so keep stopping by and getting all the info on the trip and news of the campaign’s progression.
And if you want some more…
News of our trip – Food Writers visit Rwanda Save the Children
All the details of the No Child Born to Die campaign here: http://bornto.savethechildren.org.uk/about-our-campaign
I’ll be tweeting away, from the other side of the world (where possible!) so if you’re a twittererer (yes I know that’s not a word) you can follow me at @thepinkwhisk @JayRayner1 who is also on the trip and the team at @savechildrenuk and if you’re tweeting too please use the # tag #nameaday
I’m fairly new to Instagram but if you know what you’re doing you’ll find me on there too, (stumbling around a little lost probably!) and I’ll be filling my feed with photos as the trip goes on.
More news soon….
Ruth x
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire

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