Help us create a digital storm
on Wednesday 15th February 2012
Thanks to the help of tireless supporters, 2011 saw Save the Children make breakthroughs that will change the lives of millions of children.
This year the focus is on tackling the hidden crisis of global childhood malnutrition and hunger. 300 children die every hour simply because they don’t have the right food to eat, which in a world with enough food for everyone is unacceptable. You’ve read about it here, you’re seeing what I’ve seen first hand in Rwanda.
Malnutrition is the root cause of a third of all deaths in children under five. You won’t see it on their death certificates, but it’s hunger which leaves them too weak to fight off illnesses like diarrhoea or pnuemonia, which then claim their lives.
We want David Cameron to #nameaday to hold a world hunger summit.
To achieve this we need to spread the word and get global attention for the launch of ‘A Life Free From Hunger’ Report.
The report launches on Wednesday 15th February, which sets out the problem of childhood malnutrition and the simple solutions that can be put in place to solve it.
This will be the biggest push to end hunger in history.
We’re calling on world leaders to put an end to this problem – and we’re asking David Cameron to #nameaday to tackle hunger and hold a World Food Summit for world leaders to address the problem.
You already know that Jay Rayner, Food writer and presenter and I are in Rwanda visiting some of Save the Children’s projects before helping to launch #nameaday live from Rwanda on Wednesday February 15th.
We need you to help us create a digital storm to get the world, and Prime Minister David Cameron’s, attention.
Here’s what you can do to help…
If you do just one thing:
– Pledge your support to the #nameaday campaign – the more support we have, the more we can get the government’s attention. Visit:
Save the Children – Name A Day
and pledge a date on which you will do something to make a difference and support the push to end the ‘Hidden Hunger’.
If you’re on twitter:
Spread the word the bigger the reach the bigger the pressure on David Cameron to #nameaday
– Tweet about the campaign using our hashtag #nameaday
– Follow @jayrayner1 @thepinkwhisk @rosiechilds in Rwanda and @savechildrenuk @savechildrenpr for more details on the hunger push.
If you’re a blogger:
– #nameaday on your blog in honour of the campaign and ask your readers to pass the message on about the hidden hunger crisis of child malnutrition
If you’re a facebooker:
– Post up a picture of the food your Mum had to make you eat when you were little because she knew it was good for you. Or, put up a picture of the food you have to persuade your children to eat and tag it with #nameaday
Or you could…
Donate a recipe through The Pink Whisk Challenge for your ‘Family Favourites’- these will be collated into an e-book which will be sold to raise awareness and funds for the campaign. Full details here. If you’re a blogger you can blog about your recipe and why you’re donating it, if you don’t blog take a photo of your recipe and post it to flickr. More details here.
Pledging your support and spreading the word will make a difference
Any questions contact @savechildrenpr or @thepinkwhisk via twitter
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire

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