Things don’t quite go to plan.
I’m struggling, my creative inspiration seems to have disappeared into thin air.
I wanted to bring you fantastic projects for Valentines and Pancake Day but nothing seems to be working quite right.
I made these…
and these…
and these…
but all have been deemed not quite up to par so they haven’t made it to the blog 🙁
I’ve been upto my eyes in the manuscript edit for my bread book out later this year, I’m permanently cross eyed! (note the obligatory cup of tea)
I’ve been helping eldest revise for his Science ISA exam, if you want to know how to plan preliminary experiments, create a reproducible test or write an argument to support a scientific hypothesis then I’m your girl.
The fridge packed up – an expensive disaster!
Not wanting to poison any of my lot I ordered a new one from Appliances Online, and before you ask it’s not a freebie to get a mention on the blog 😉
Ordered Friday evening and it was delivered on Sunday. We had so many updates by phone and text to confirm the delivery slot, the driver even phoned me to say he’d be with me in half an hour. Their service was FANTASTIC and I can’t recommend them highly enough.
This is probably the one and only time I’d be willing to share a photo of the inside of my fridge!
No sooner was the delivery van pulling out of the end of the road than I discover the freezer has too taken a death dive, I’m not sure my bank balance can take it! Yesterdays tea was potluck plates, we all ended up with something different, we’ve all done that trying to use up what’s in the freezer (or in my case the completely defrosted freezer.) Boys are hoping for a better evening meal tonight.
So it looks like I’ll be back to Appliances Online to order a new freezer.
They say things come in three’s – two down, one to go, I just hope it’s not another expensive one.
But it’s not all doom and gloom I’ve been doing some fun stuff too:-
I was sent the very first copy of The Pink Whisk Guide to Cake Making – Brilliant Baking Step by Step. It’s out in April – eeek!
I’ve been on shoot working on the photos for the bread book, hard work, lots of washing up but great fun, and some great breads too. More days to do still but it’s getting there.
I wonder if Appliances Online’s excellent customer service will stretch to rebaking all the bread I lost that was stashed in the freezer for this weeks shoot?
I’ve been filming some mini how to videos at home for The Pink Whisk Shop – tips and techniques for all sorts of products, I just have to psych myself up for the editing now.
Practising10 – Click on the link for a quick video of me forgetting completely who I am and what I’m doing – I promise the finished videos will be much better!
And making a cake for a very wonderful lady to celebrate her 90th Birthday.
Ooh and a quick one to add in the end, the lovely folks at Lakeland have just sent me a Crepe Pan and Citrus Spray – I may just have to revisit those scotch pancakes…
So now I’ve regaled you with tales of normal family life hopefully I’ll be back with a recipe and project when I can create something that passes muster!
Ruth x
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire
Meet me down the aisles of The Pink Whisk Shop – for all sorts of cake decorating and baking delights!

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