I thought I’d share my 5 top cake decorating tips this week, just very little bits and pieces that I’ve learnt along the way and make life ten tons easier!
Maybe you’ll know my top tips already but just in case…. here’s number 1
Don’t Knead – Microwave!
Sugarpaste (fondant) has to be kneaded before rolling out and using to cover a cake. It warms up the sugarpaste and makes it soft and pliable ready to cover without splitting and cracking. The only downside to kneading is that that’s when all those little flecks and bits magically jump into the sugarpaste. Yes you know the blighters I mean!
Instead of kneading, put the sugarpaste onto a clean plate. and microwave for 10 – 15 seconds. You’re just warming it up, don’t blast it in the microwave otherwise you’ll burn it and it’ll turn to liquid.
Just gently warmed in the microwave it’s ready to roll straight out and cover your cake.
And, if you’re ready to start a bit of decorating all the basics you’ll find in
The Busy Girls’ Guide to Cake Decorating 😉
More of my top tips coming up every day this week, so until tomorrow Xx
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire
Meet me down the aisles of The Pink Whisk Shop – for all sorts of cake decorating and baking delights!

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