Make your own Modelling Paste
This will save you a fortune. Using a modelling paste for most cake decorations, flowers and bits and pieces is much much easier than using sugarpaste (fondant). It dries out quicker so will hold the shape you want it to with ease. You can also roll it much thinner than sugarpaste making decorations look much more refined. The downside is it’s expensive 🙁
Make your own instead by adding 1 teaspoon of Tylo powder to 500g sugarpaste and knead well.
Wrap it well in clingfilm and allow it to develop overnight before using.
500g of modelling paste, ready to go, without the expensive price tag.
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire
Meet me down the aisles of The Pink Whisk Shop – for all sorts of cake decorating and baking delights!

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