So it’s here! 1st of December is not only Advent Calendar day it’s the start of The Pink Whisk 12 Days of Christmas Recipes!
For day number 1 I’m bringing you these lovely Lebkuchen Christmas Pudding Biscuit Lollies, lovely little gifts or just because it’s Christmas!
You will need:
1 x quantity Lebkuchen dough, recipe here
Oven safe lolly sticks (Cookie Sticks)
25g icing sugar and water to glaze
200g dark chocolate melted
A little green sugarpaste and holly cutter, or ready made holly leaf decorations
Red ball sprinkles.
Makes: 10
Make up the dough as per the instructions here. If you place the warm dough into a sealable freezer bag it’s easy to pat out into a flat shape, filling the bag. Roll it out with a rolling pin so it’s approx 1cm thick. If you do it now you don’t have to roll it out once it’s chilled saving you time hurrah!
Chill it flat in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours.
Once the dough is chilled preheat the oven to 160c (fan)/180c/Gas Mark 4 and line a couple of baking trays with non stick baking paper.
Release the slab of chilled dough from the freezer bag by splitting it at the seams.
Cut out biscuits using an 8cm cutter.
Take a lolly stick and carefully insert it through the side of the dough pushing it gently well into the biscuit and set apart on the prepared trays.
Bake the biscuits in the oven for 10 minutes.
Leave them to cool on the trays for a further 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
Mix together the icing sugar with enough water to form a thin glaze.
Paint it over the biscuits and allow them to dry.
Melt the dark chocolate and place it in a disposable piping bag.
Snip off the end and squeeze it over the top part of the biscuit to create the pudding top.
Whilst those start to set roll out some green ready to roll icing and cut out 20 holly leaves. (I used the medium cutter from this set – Amazon)
Once the chocolate is just starting to set add 2 holly leaves and some red ball sprinkles for berries to the top of the biscuits. You do need to wait for the chocolate to start to set otherwise they’ll slide off the top.
Allow to set completely and then serve!
Stored in a tin or wrapped in cello bags these biscuits last extremely well and can be kept for 2 weeks.
Ruth Clemens, Baker Extraordinaire

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